Colonial Bark, Full-hull ship model, 1968 Erik Ronnberg, Jr. (b. 1944) Rockport, Massachusetts Wood 8 x 9 x 4 in. Collection of Hart Nautical Galleries Photography by Jason Dowdle
In New England ship models have been used both as practical tools in the design of vessels, and as objects of beauty commemorating maritime heritage. This is a two-masted model of a colonial bark. Its maker Erik Ronnberg, Jr., a ship-model builder, carver, and maritime historian, was born into a seafaring family. He learned to carve from his father, Erik Ronnberg, Sr. (1909 - 1989), who was an internationally known model maker from Sweden and first mate aboard the last square-rigger to deliver a cargo in Boston harbor. Erik combines nautical research with precision craftsmanship.