Karol Lindquist and Timalyne Frazier, Nantucket lightship basketry, 2002
Nantucket, Massachusetts Photography by Jeffrey Allen
No basket form is more tied to place than the Nantucket lightship basket. While many functional baskets from the 1800s were made with thick, wide staves and sturdy enough to carry potatoes, the Nantucket lightship basket has evolved into a fine craft. Basket maker Karol Lindquist apprenticed with Reggie Reed, who descended from some of the island's earliest basket makers.
In 2002, Karol Lindquist and her daughter Timalyne Frazier completed a yearlong apprenticeship funded by the Mass Cultural Council . The two women worked in a freestanding studio just steps away from Karol's home. Inside are workbenches, wood-cutting tools, a lathe, and shelves stacked with loops of rattan and walnut basket molds. Blue ribbons won in competitions hang on the wall.