Five Steps of Making a Green winged Teal Decoy, Working decoy, 1990 Bob Brophy (b. 1932) Essex, Massachusetts Wood, paint 6 1/4 x 35 1/4 x 11 in.; plus pattern block Collection of the artist Photography by Jason Dowdle
"If it doesn't have feathers on it, I don't carve it," says woodworker Bob Brophy who grew up on a small farm in Easton where hunting was a part of every year and a necessary food source during the winter months. Bob carves decoys with knives, chisels, and files rather than power tools. He is known as a "knife man" in the trade. This piece shows his process from a block of wood to a finished decoy. He uses a block of eastern white cedar for the body and basswood for the head. That way, he can direct the grain of the wood used for the bill.