Portrait of Patrisiya Kayobera by Stephen King, Worcester Magaze, Rwandan basket weaving, 2015 Patrisiya Kayobera Worcester, Massachusetts Unravelled rice bag rewoven as basket
Patrisiya Kayobera was born and raised in a farming family in Rwanda. By age 14, she learned to weave baskets by watching other women in her village. Two years later, war broke out and Patrisiya's parents were killed, leaving her an orphan. She made the decision to run on her own. After a harrowing journey to Burundi, she found help.
In 2009, Patrisiya emigrated and settled in Worcester. Within a few days, she heard about Refugee Artisans of Worcester (RAW), an organization supplying artisans with equipment, materials, and marketing. Patrisiya finds great comfort in returning to the craft of basket weaving. "Today, I am still the same person that I was in Rwanda. I like to garden and make baskets. I am glad that I am a part of RAW because it gives me a chance to be good at something, and I am proud of that."
The type of lidded basket Patrisiya makes is called agaseke. Originally woven by the Tutsi women, it is popular for gift giving, especially for weddings. Agaseke are made from natural materials like reed, sisal, and raffia, as well as from recycled materials, like unraveled rice bags. In recent years, these baskets have become a symbol of unity for the Rwandan people, who suffered so terribly during the1990s Rwandan Civil War.